
Monday, May 4, 2009

Seeding our love of Edibles!

Earlier this year I came across an old sunset magazine which had a "one block diet" garden. To grow almost everything you need in your backyard. I had remembered glimpsing the article and not giving it to much thought. Ed and I had planted a few things last year, but nothing really inspired us to live off our land. With the winter rains along with spring heat caused our yard to become a true jungle, weeds grew well over three feet tall. Our boys had a blast playing hide and seek!

Fast forward to the day I re-found the article! It truly inspired me to return to our yard and revive it with flowing edibles! The first sign of inspiration was when Ed pointed out that the artichoke plant had buds that were beginning to grow.

Luckily Ed's brother Mike and some of his friends came down with weed whackers and did away with our jungle. They also removed an old dog run, turned into a tool shed. I gave the frame of shed another purpose: a bean pole house. We brought in good soil and planted seeds of peas, green beans, onions, garlic and shallots. Our neighbors gave us some tomatillo plants.

We had some old fence wooden fences from a previous project. Most of it was reused to create a coop for the chickens. Two pieces were left over and we decided to use them for a grape vine trellis.

The third project in progress is growing a pumpkin patch. We had grown some our first year living here and they did very well considering I planted them in Mid June. Today I got the seeds in the ground. Next to it, I'm going to sprinkle some corn seeds and see if any grow.

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