
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Whata Mess!!!

So on Wed I thought a water pipe broke in my yard, thank goodness it was just my drip irrigation line which was a lot easier to fix!

My worms are doing better after the rains. I am searching for a better location to put them before the rains begin again.

The rains also leaked into my plastic bin where I was storing my winter seeds... The radishes sprouted up and out of the seed packet!!! My first instict was to toss it into the compost bin... Then I decided to plant it in my rain gutter pot. Hopefully they'll survive...

While searching for winter seed packets, I found a "seed tape"- the carrot seeds are evenly spaced on a thin strip of tissue paper which makes sowing them easy! I am planting the carrots, turnips, and radishes where I was growing my mini pumpkins and bird house gourds.

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